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Find Ideas For Your Los Angeles Patio Covers
These patio cover and deck cover ideas offer suggestions, to more or less get you thinking. The Coperto patio cover isn’t your traditional patio cover look. In fact, the roofline of the patio cover commonly referred to as a “gable” pitched roof, isn’t a roofline that we build that often at all. Like with all patio covering ideas, the gable is the most popular. I think it’s because the shape of the gable pitch requires the patio roof on the patio cover to be attached to an extremely tall flat wall or, tie- into the existing roof. Such are the attached patio cover designs. As with every project, we also provide gable roof pergola plans so the project has the ability to be properly permitted by your local building and safety.
The latter is an installation that requires the roofing materials to be removed a good distance up the roof. In some cases, to the top depending on how high or low the roofline is and how high the patio cover spans. Costs are usually a factor when choosing a patio cover design. you have to keep in mind once you start to rip-up your existing roofing materials on your outdoor patio, costs are obviously expected to go up above that of the actual cost of the patio cover itself.
Nevertheless… In my opinion, the gable pitched roofline is one of my favorite patio cover ideas for Los Angeles. It really gives you that wide-open feel when you’re under it. Add a large patio slider and some furniture and you almost have an open-air room addition.
When it comes to patio cover ideas here in Los Angeles for your outdoor space or outdoor living room, this patio cover, the Sombre design is by far the most popular. Why? well, if I had to guess it’s probably because it’s timeless and cost-effective for most people. On the other hand, its an open-air design. Meaning, there is no roof. It’s just open lattice bars. Commonly referred to as a shade cover, pergola, or lattice system. When you’re thinking of canopy roof ideas for your patio cover, this one is a staple.
So when there is the good there must be bad right? Well, with that in mind, I wouldn’t use the word bad… but I will say there are some disadvantages to the lattice system. For example, with anything wood left outside, it’s going to require maintenance. Compared to aluminum patio covers like Alumawood or 4K, wood patio covers are considered a lot of work. Lattice shade systems like all other wood patio covers require the same service like painting, however, the individual lattice strips have four sides. All of which need to be sanded, scraped, and repainted every few years.
On the other hand, aluminum patio covers require no service. No paint… nothing. Here’s my personal patio cover idea, when considering a lattice wood patio cover, use aluminum lattice strips for the top. With the aluminum strips, you only have to maintain the rafters, post, and beam. All of which are usually larger pieces of wood and easy to work on.

How Much can Patio Covers Cost?
The thing about the cost of patio covers and pergolas is that they are very specific to materials and installation. The harder the patio cover is to install in your outdoor living space, the more expensive your Los Angeles patio cover will be. On the other hand, for instant savings, comparing Alumawood aluminum patio covers to wood saves you up to 50% in some cases depending on the pergola.Why do the wood patio covers and wood decks cost so much compared to Alumawood? For one thing, the wood itself is expensive. Then you have to install it. As previously mentioned here, footings are always required with wood. These add roughly $700 per post in cost. Contrast this to the Alumawood which almost always requires no footings. This is due to the installation engineering of the Aluamwood product. They bolt to any existing cement pad that at least 3.5″ thick. To summarize, wood is almost always going to cost more when compairing wood to Aluminum.
No maintenance required
Keep in mind that Alumawood aluminum patio covers don’t need to be painted, unlike its wood counterpart. Painting a wood patio cover add about $2000 to your patio cover estimate for a smaller pergola. Plus, you not only paint the wood patio covers in Los Angeles once when constructed. But you will keep paining it until it rots away and turns to dust. Aluminum patio covers require almost no maintenance and are usually guaranteed for life.Some think that aluminum is easily damaged. I suppose compared to wood it can be, However, there are replacement parts which you can buy and are easily replaced with aluminum pergolas.
Patio cover kits
Another way to keep the costs down on the wood and aluminum patio covers is by buying a kit. Both wood and aluminum systems can be purchased in a kit form, however, assembly is often difficult and requires the use of special tools. Most of which can cost up to $1000. Of course, that’s still cheaper than the labor it takes to build a pergola or patio cover, but then again, you do get to keep some shiny new tools. Let’s not forget building permits. Yes… permits are still needed for many of the patio cover kits you get online. Especially with the alumawood patio covers.Piccola
For those of you with extremely limited space or just need a little something on the side of your yard we have the Piccola. The idea behind this unit is that its large enough to shade the areas that need shade. Yet small enough not to get in your way. Many refer to these types of patio covers as wood patio covers in Los Angeles or pergolas. Regardless of what name you throw at it, one thing is for certain, shade abounds.
Other types of pergola ideas we came up with are things like different colors, adding stone to the pillars, and different-sized lattice bars. With so many different options, I’m sure you can come up with far more ideas for your pergola than the ones we have listed here.
The Verano wood-covered patio cover is by far the most popular patio cover we build. I think it’s because many of the HOA communities throughout Los Angeles require the roofing to be the same as the house. Moreover, concrete tile is a favorite among almost all building and safety departments. Santa Clarita, for example, has many new construction housing developments. I know personally that most of these developments require the roofing to be tile.
In contrast, aluminum patio covers such as Alumawood are not allowed in your existing outdoor patio space. Even though the aluminum patio covers in Santa Clarita are fire-resistant, still, they are not allowed. Unlike wood, however, you cannot place the tile onto the top of the Alumawood patio covers.
Regardless, the wood patio cover pictured here is a beefy patio cover system. For more patio cover ideas, we have a few of these patio covers in our portfolio. In most cases, people who choose wood patio covers over aluminum patio covers often make this choice because of it’s a classic. And, they are most likely used to the timeless look. I, on the other hand, prefer aluminum over wood simply because I hate to paint. And with wood, there is a perpetual amount of continuous maintenance with the wood patio covers. In my opinion, when you’re searching for patio cover ideas in Los Angeles, take into consideration the maintenance needed to keep these covers looking as new as the day it was installed.

Custom wood patio covers and pergolas
As previously mentioned, we are patio cover contractors. As such, we really gravitate towards the Custom wood patio covers and pergolas. Why? I think it’s the challenge of building outside the norm. While many like to build the square or rectangle systems, we like the more difficult structures you might expect to see in Beverly Hills for example. Our knowledge allows us to come up with different patio cover ideas to achieve the Custom wood patio covers and pergolas desired by many of us here in Los Angeles.Valencia
Freestanding patio covers are not new ideas. In fact, about 30% of all patio cover and pergolas we build are actually freestanding. When coming up with freestanding patio cover ideas, one might take into consideration the need for four footings as opposed to two or three. Why is this important? Well, from a structural standpoint, it’s not… but from a financial perspective, it just costs a few more bucks.
There are countless pergola ideas you can conjure from a freestanding point of view. I mean, you have gable roofs, roofs with wood, roofs with shingles, flat roofs you name it. The list of some of your Los Angeles Covered patio ideas for your backyard is endless here. Personally, I really like the smaller framed, four-post freestanding lattice systems. Once constructed, it’s just the right amount of shade near a pool or playground.

Patio Cover and Pergola contractors in Los Angeles
Much like all hairdressers are not the same, all contractors are not the same. This is especially true when it comes to patio cover contractors her in Santa Clarita or Los Angeles. It’s no secret that I’m not a huge fan of contractors in general. Being a contractor myself, I think the industry is riddled with individuals who for whatever reason, care more about the money than delivering an exceptional product. But I digress.Like with anything, when you concentrate on one thing… and you only build one thing… you, in turn, become exceptionally efficient at that one thing. Well, at least that’s the theory. Being a Patio Cover and Pergola contractor in Los Angeles means we only build one thing. We are not dabbling in kitchen remodels. Plumbing is not our thing either. We work with aluminum and wood. There are many contractors who may call themselves Patio Cover and Pergola contractors in Los Angeles. But in reality, there are only a few. Our company is hired by many local Los Angeles companies for their wood pergola needs. Places like In-n-Out burger who retained our services for multiple pergolas thought their chains.
Why is hiring a Patio Cover specific contractor important? Well, as mentioned, Patio Cover and Pergola contractors in Los Angeles specialize in that one type of structure. Therefore, we understand the complexities of these systems and can avoid most pitfalls a homeowner may come across when building a new patio cover.