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Custom Patio Covers and Decks in Los Angeles

If you’re considering a one of a kind custom built patio cover, pergola or deck look no further. We are one of the only Los Angeles based patio cover and deck buildings.
As such, we have perfected the craft that specializes in providing beautiful quality patio covers and decks throughout Southern California. We’re all about choices. Really, our goal was to get our clients thinking of different ideas when it comes to obtaining shade, style, and beauty. Patio Cover repairs is another service we provide. Whether its parts, service or repairs we have the right crew for your project no matter how small.
Of course, there are so many different styles of covers and decks that it would be impossible to have them all on display within this site. But not to worry… if you can imagine it, we can build it so long as it can be approved by the building and safety department within your jurisdiction.

We Can Help With the Design
So for those of you who feel limited by our selection, we say to you… browse the web and look for ideas that you can present to us. If that doesn’t work…, drive around town and take pictures, sketch-out or finger paint your vision onto paper and we’ll ponder ideas alongside you towards a final product.
Oh yeah, we offer architectural designing so once we narrow your concept of the type of structure you’re interested in, we can take that idea and place it onto an image of your back or front yard. This way you can see your concept in a realistic setting, exactly how it will look.
We Offer Alumawood and Wood Patio Covers

Regardless of the space, you’re attempting to place your new patio cover we have material just for you. First of all, you must ask yourself is the cover for functionality or primarily for esthetics or both. We say this because functional can be cost-effective. Contrast this to a cover built primarily for esthetics. Wood patio covers when compared to aluminum patio covers, can get pretty costly. As a Los Angeles Patio Cover Contractor who specializes in wood patio covers, we have to say that wood is timeless and will always be in style.
Aluminum Patio Covers
Currently, we offer Alumawood as our primary choice of aluminum patio cover manufacturers here in Los Angeles. Why? Because we feel after trying all of the other manufacturers this company provides the best product for the most optimum price to you. Some of the Alumawoods product line includes lattice covers, insulated covers and non insulated covers.Wood Patio covers
The first thing to remember about wood patio covers is that they can be built for just about any situation possible. Contrast this to Alumawood which has limitations. Although wood is effectively more expensive than Alumawood, it’s also more to maintain in the long run.Los Angeles Patio Cover Contractor

With so many contractors in Los Angeles, how’s one to choose between them all? Obviously, not all contractors are the same which makes choosing even that much more difficult. For this reason, we’ve dubbed ourselves as the patio cover only contractor of Los Angeles and Santa Clarita. For one thing, it helps the consumer to differentiate between us contractors in a glance.
What can a Patio Cover Only Contractor do that the normal contractor can’t? Well, to be honest, when it comes to contracting, in general, we can all do pretty much the same as long as the licenses are the same as well. Sure we have the same license as other contractors but we excel in our one craft. Not to mention, our team puts you the client first.
Jack of all trades contractor we are not
That said, most general contractors attempt to do it all. Whereas, we only do one thing every single day. Because we do only one thing every day we can thus hone our skills to that one thing allowing us to perfect that craft. even if asked, we do not build kitchens, bathrooms or handyman work. We stick to one thing and one thing only.Pergola, Patio Cover Repairs, Parts and Service

Where can you go to find Alumawood or wood patio cover parts, repairs and patio cover service here in Los Angeles? As a matter of fact, right here. One of the things which set us apart is the fact that we service patio covers. Which is to say we repair all types of wood and Alumawood patio covers. With this in mind, we provided a host of services to get your patio cover in tip-top shape.
- Replace aluminum parts such as caps, covers, and plugs
- Re-paint wood patio covers
- Service and Replace structural wood and components
Structural wood damage is a serious issue. After the termites have eaten your structural members hollow or rot has infested the beams to a point that walking under them is hazardous to your health, we can fix them. Whether the issue is just that the cover is old and worn out or just needs the pergola lattice shade bards replaced, these are things within our scope of wood patio cover repairs.
On the other hand, aluminum patio covers suffer damage differently. As a matter of fact, aluminum materials will not deteriorate like wood. Therefore the chances of having any structural damage aren’t very likely. For the most part, the repairs we perform on aluminum patio covers throughout Los Angeles County hoover around missing plugs, caps, and damaged cover protectors.
Do It Yourself Patio Cover Kits

Patio cover kits are the latest and greatest in aluminum patio cover products. In case you weren’t aware, these patio cover kits are ready to assemble by just about anyone with some basic tools. Speaking of basic tools, all one needs to complete an installation is a drill, impact driver, hammer, saw, and measuring tape.
We provide instructions on how to build a patio cover yourself within our website. It’s worth taking a look at just to give yourself an idea of what you’re getting into. If by chance you get stuck, we’re here to help our customers with just about any situation.