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Patio Covers in Santa Clarita

Regardless if you’re in the market for a DIY patio cover kit or a full-blown outdoor living area, people searching for Patio Covers in Santa Clarita need not look much further.
The average cost in 2021 for building a patio cover here in the Santa Clarita Valley is about $20 per square foot. So a 10 x 10 Patio cover is roughly $2000
As one of the only patio cover only construction companies local to Santa Clarita, we specialize in only building patio covers and decks. Regardless if you’re searching for a wood patio cover, wood patio cover repairs, or an Alumawood aluminum patio cover, we literally have you covered. For almost 20 years, we’ve been serving the local Santa Clarita Valley residents.
With so many contractors to choose from, why Patio Covered? Well, for starters we don’t consider ourselves to be “contractors”. It’s not that we’re “not” contractors. We are. It’s just that we do things a little differently.
My wife and I grew up in the Santa Clarita Valley. We both went to high school out here and we’ve both witnessed it grown from a small farming city to an extension of the San Fernando Valley. Yet, no matter how large our city grows, to us, it still carries that small-town vibe.
What sets patiocovered apart from some of these other guys is our ability to empathize with our clients, and put that empathy to work for our clients. Put ourselves into your shoes as a consumer. After all, we’re customers just like you. And like you, we also look for that company that puts the client first.
Here’s a few typical questions that many of you who live in Santa Clarita may ask when considering your patio cover.

Choosing which type of patio cover to build?

Here in Santa Clarita and throughout Los Angeles, there are various types of patio cover systems and materials available. For example, you can choose from aluminum patio covers, wood patio covers, vinyl patio covers, canvas patio covers, and steel patio covers. I’d say the most popular patio cover in the Santa Clarita Valley is the Alumawood aluminum patio cover system. Here’s a list of the patio covers we build.
We build wood patio covers
Alumawood aluminum patio covers
4K aluminum patio covers
Louvered aluminum patio covers
Lattice vs. Covered patio covers

Allow me to help you better understand the differences between the two. First off, lattice patio covers have strips of wood or aluminum laid perpendicular to the frame of the patio cover system. Whether it’s wood or aluminum, it matters not. The screw or bolting method by which you can attach the pieces of lattice depends on whether the cover is wood or aluminum. Regardless of the material, they both are attached in the same manner with either a screw or bolt which penetrates the lattice member and then into the member below and secured.
Most times the lattice bars are equally spaced throughout the patio covers rooftop. That said, however, most people who are attempting to gain a little more shade will space them closer together. Be careful though… there are building departments that place a minimum limit on the amount of space you can have between the lattice strips.
Even more about lattice patio cover options
Regardless of its wood or aluminum, in either case, they are essentially the same. These lattice strips or bars, come in multiple types and various sizes. Aluminum lattice bars are manufactured in either a roll-formed shape or extruded shape. Because aluminum is manufactured, the ends are left open. Caps are therefore used to close the ends of the lattice bars. The types of caps can be either plastic used in Alumawood or billet aluminum used in the 4k patio cover system.
Wood lattice bars, on the other hand, can come in just about any size imaginable so long as engineering permits. Traditionally, you’ll see 3″ x 3″ lattice strips or even 2″ x 2″ strips. That said, we’ve built patio covers with 4″ x 4″ and 6″ x 6″ for a more beefy look. But just know that with wood comes maintenance. Scraping and sanding of these lattice strips will be necessary for the life of the wood patio cover especially Patio Covers in Santa Clarita.
Solid roofed patio cover options
If you need to have a roofed patio cover then you will need to decide whether you are building an aluminum or wood patio cover. Each of these materials has different roof types and within these types of additional types of roofing options.
How many roof types are available with the Aluminum patio cover?

Alumawood Patio Covers in Santa Clarita come with only 2 types of roof options. Both types are fantastic for achieving shade at a fraction of the price of wood. Both roof types are equipped with gutters and are waterproofed so leaks don’t appear at the connection of the cover to the structure.
Insulated or IRP roofs
Non-insulated roofs
Local Alumawood Insulated or IRP roofs for that Santa Clarita heat
Insulated or IRP rooftops are in a nut-shell a roof system that has 3″ foam panels sandwiched between two pieces of 4′ wide wood grain embossed flat aluminum sheets. Interestingly enough, the 3″ aluminum foam panel provides insulating protection from radiant heat. Here in Santa Clarita, it gets pretty how to this is a great option for the higher desert areas.
Speaking of insulating properties, the IRP covered roof has almost a 14R which is actually not too bad as far as insulating properties go. Needless to say, sitting under these insulated patio covers provides a ton of shade and brings the ambient temperature down significantly.
Covered Alumawood Non-insulated roofs
Here, when comparing the insulated to the non-insulated patio covers in Santa Clarita, you’ll see that there are a few pretty big differences between the two. Of course as mentioned the insulated protects you (underneath) from radiant heat. Indeed, as it says in its name, the non-insulated covered roof does not. Alumawood non-insulated roofs are essentially flat pans with wood grain embossed ribs in the underside to give it a wood-plank look. It’s pretty affordable when it’s compared to the insulated covered roofs.
Wooden patio cover roof options
Talk about unlocking the flood-gates… There are tons of roofing options when it comes to wood patio cover roofs. Mostly because there are a lot of roof options period. You see, most roofed patio covers here in Santa Clarita are engineered. If not by your engineer of choice, then by the city via a standard, over-the-counter set of pre-engineered plans. Much like the ones in this example here in Santa Clarita.
Here are a few examples of roofing options you can use for your patio covers in Santa Clarita.
Composition roofing
Tile roofing (concrete, clay, slate, etc…)
Built-up, flat roofing materials
Clearly, the options for your roof are many when you’re considering a wood patio cover. You see, Santa Clarita’s weather is somewhat harsh especially in the summertime. I mean it gets hot. So really, just about any of these options will work with your wood patio cover. It may just come down to cost. Speaking of costs… I’d say the more expensive options listed here are the solid roof options like tile.
Average costs of building your dream patio cover here in the Santa Clarita Valley
The average cost of building a patio cover here in the Santa Clarita Valley is about $20 per square foot. So a 10 x 10 Patio cover is roughly $2000 installed. More elaborate patio covers like louvered patio cover’s come in around $85 per square foot. On the other hand, a fully extruded 4K patio cover system averages around $58 per square foot.
Local Wood patio cover contractor

Of course, what can we say about wood that has not already been said? It’s beautiful, majestic, and a timeless classic. Of all the patio covers we build in Santa Clarita, I’d say wood is by far my favorite to work with. There are very few constraints when working with wood for example… The lumber dimensions you have at your disposal to use with wood patio covers are endless.
In contrast, aluminum patio covers all have select or standard sizes of materials to choose from. So why is this important? Well, if you’re looking to build a behemoth-sized patio cover you might be somewhat limited. Because wood is available in beams up to 8″x16″ (and larger), you can achieve that massive look. On the other hand, aluminum limits its material to a much smaller size such as 3’x8″. As you can clearly see, aluminum doesn’t even come close to the wood dimensions.
Now, there is a down-side to wood. Eventually, wood patio covers will turn to dust in a matter of years if it’s not eaten by insects first. Despite your best efforts to preserve it, at some point, it will succumb to the elements. Of course, this process can take as long as 30 years. Nevertheless, it’s not really a sustainable material like aluminum.
Wood Patio Cover Calculator | FREE
Pricing for solid roofed patio covers in the SCV
Wood lattice patio cover pricing
Local Alumawood aluminum patio covers in Santa Clarita

Different from wood is aluminum. Here in Santa Clarita, we outsell wood patio covers ten to one (10:1). Which is a clear indicator that Patio Covers in Santa Clarita and patio cover owners are looking for a material that will not get eaten by insects or turn into dust in the foreseeable future. I have to admit even at my own house I too have Alumawood patio covers. But for me, I just hate painting lol…
Requests for Alumawood aluminum patio covers in Santa Clarita have grown exponentially over the last 5 years or so. Why is this you might ask? If I had to bet, it would be that so many people like me are getting tired of the maintenance. From what we’re told, it’s all the painting and replacing of damaged wood over the patio covers life that more and more people are starting to resent. Santa Clarita is more or less a desert environment. Therefore the heat really destroys the patio covers finish in what seems to be as little as a couple of years.
Zero maintenance Alumawood materials
According to our sales in the Santa Clarita Valley for patio covers Aluamwood wins by a landslide. Of course, Alumawood aluminum patio covers require no maintenance for the life of the cover. Sure you may want to wash it now and again but aside from that, there is effectively no work to be had to keep it looking new. Besides that, with its woodgrain-like appearance, it resembles that of a real wood patio cover. Many agree that from a distance, it’s very hard to tell that it’s not real wood.
Alumawood Patio Cover Calculator | FREE
Pricing in Santa Clarita for the Alumawood Laguna (lattice patio cover)
Alumawood Insulated solid roof
Santa Clarita’s Average price for the Non Insulated solid roofed cover
Special to the Santa Clarita area is the 4K Aluminum patio cover line

Indeed the 4k aluminum patio covers will cost a little bit more than Alumawood but with so much material it’s to be expected. But there’s more to the 4k product than just being more robust. Take a closer look at the product itself. Specifically its overall appearance. What you’ll see is that the 4k is an extremely clean, streamline product. Rather than the lattice bars only being able to overlap the outer beams, the 4k has the option to mount on the interior with no overlap. On the other hand, if you prefer the overlap, you can still have that too.
Many Santa Clarita residents who’ve chosen the 4k aluminum patio cover may argue that yes, it’s far better than Aluamwood in many ways. Another way it’s hailed as superior to Alumawood here in Santa Clarita is the 4k protective coat, or paint if you will. So, when you contrast 4k to Alumawood I can see why this can be true. On one hand, you have the 4K which is powder-coated. A process where the paint is applied to the material as a powder and then baked-on in an oven at over 350 degrees.
Opposite of that is the Alumawood which is still spray applied to the materials. most Santa Claritidions who know the difference between the two, understand that powder coat finishes are by far much more durable than spray applied paint finishes.
4K Patio Cover Calculator | FREE
Los Angeles and the 4K Aluminum lattice patio cover
Louvered adjustable roof patio covers for the city of Santa Clarita

louvered patio covers are great for businesses and residential homes

Louvered patio cover systems have built-in rain gutters so there’s no opportunity for people underneath to ever get wet. Lighting is built-in as well. Other options available when considering the louvered patio cover are;
Ceiling fans
Alternative lighting options
Overall if you can afford the louvered patio cover system its a hands-down no-brainer. In fact, Im getting one for my house as soon as I ask permission. 🙂