Desert landscaping in Santa Clarita

Desert Landscaping in Santa Clarita

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Desert Landscaping in Santa Clarita

Although when we think of desert landscaping in Santa Clarita, we generally don’t tend to consider the possibilities of Desert landscaping or Xeriscaping. For one thing, it’s not typically native to the Santa Clarita Valley. This means most all yards are traditionally grass or concrete. In fact, I’d say conservatively that the vast majority of home owners would never even consider the use of decomposed granite or rocks as a landscaping idea. 

Desert landscaping is not a new idea. In fact, its the primary landscaping choice for those who live in the high desert, Palm Springs, Nevada and Arizona. For one thing, the desert landscaping idea has been around for a very long time. Mostly because of the lack of necessary water to keep the foliage thriving. 

drought tolerant landscaping santa claritaDrought Tolerant plants Used in Santa Clarita

Despite what many people think about drought tolerant plants used in Santa Clarita Landscaping, can be quite colorful and beautiful. Not to mention plentiful.  Plants such as Yucca, Cactus, succulents, Agave,various grasses, Aloe and Bougainvillea just to name a few. These plants which require very little in the way of water can be added to your desert landscaping in Santa Clarita quite effortlessly. Additionally, these low water consuming plants do well in our Santa Clarita Southern California soil. 

Of course with the introduction of decomposed granite as well as concrete hardscaping and a pergola or two to your desert landscaping in Santa Clarita will only excentsiate the plants you choose to place in your design. At the same time you want to consider plant type we suggest you also consider placement options. More specifically, the locations within the yard where you actually place the plants.

Reducing your water consumption with Drought Tolerant Landscaping

It’s just a fact that the use of low water consuming plants in your desert landscaping in Santa Clarita will ultimately reduce your water consumption. For most of us, water consumption is at the top of our lists in keeping green in Santa Clarita. As a matter of fact, with the water restrictions in place brought on by the never ending drought, it’s never been a better time to re-landscape your home in the desert, xeriscape or drought tolerant look.

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